Leaky Roof!

Started by Anonymous, August 17, 2003, 20:32

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Just cleaned my car, gave the roof a good clean as it was looking a bit grubby, finished washing the car, opened the door to clean the inside of the windows and was presented with this!

  s:cry: :cry: s:cry:    s:cry: :cry: s:cry:    s:cry: :cry: s:cry:    s:cry: :cry: s:cry:  

Anyone else had their roof leak like this before when cleaning? I felt inside the roof and it seemed dry, but found a pool of water has collected on a small piece of rubber, just under where the roof splits when folding.

(BTW, i was using buckets of water rather than a hose if that makes any difference!)


I've looked at that pic a few times now, and I still can't picture where the heck it is.  Any chance of a wider shot with the offending area ringed, or something?


Looks like you wet yourself Kris...sorry, not help I know.


Sorry, on my laptop screen its as bright as day, but here its very dark... I'll sort it out later.

Its a shot of my passenger seat - it has a HUGE wet mark on it from the roof leaking...   s:cry: :cry: s:cry:  

oh and craig... LEAVE IT!   s:twisted: :twisted: s:twisted:


It is a huge patch, I can see it clearly.


Hmmm Kris.... sure your passenger didn't have a bad curry and jutt forgot to tell you !    s:D :D s:D    s:D :D s:D    s:D :D s:D    s:D :D s:D  

Seriously have you checked your window seals, if you have thrown water from a buket at it the water could have gone in that way.  I occasionaly get the odd run down the window after using a jet wash, but nothing like what you have got....

BTW: you did check to see if your windows where up first !?! before washing the car ?


Darren J
Darren A. Juggins


Yeah, roof was up as usual (never had a problem before) and windows were closed... im guessing its was simply the amount of water just did it... well i hope that was it anyway... otherwise its back to MR T for a new roof and passenger seat!   s:D :D s:D


After washing the car on Sunday, I did have a small amount of water running down the inside of the drivers window, but I did use a hose with an adjustable pressure nozzle thing, so it was to be expected i suppose.
You are sure the window was all the way up? Definately doesn't seem right if it was   s:( :( s:(
Ex 2002 Black / Red Leather Hass Turbo


Ok, I get it now.  Nope never had anything like that with mine, either with a hose or with a bucket.


yeah window was deafanatly up - always is... oh well, just have to see if it happens again guess....   s:? :? s:?


Quote from: "cstevens"Looks like you wet yourself Kris...sorry, not help I know.

Happens when you get old!!!

(So Ive heard)
  s:twisted: :twisted: s:twisted:    s:twisted: :twisted: s:twisted:    s:twisted: :twisted: s:twisted:


Quote from: "krisclarkuk"deafanatly

Now that is interesting spelling  s:) :) s:)


Quote from: "phil4"
Quote from: "krisclarkuk"deafanatly

Now that is interesting spelling  s:) :) s:)

  s:cry: :cry: s:cry:    s:cry: :cry: s:cry:    s:cry: :cry: s:cry:    s:cry: :cry: s:cry:


Quote from: "victor"Happens when you get old!!!

(So Ive heard)
  s:twisted: :twisted: s:twisted:    s:twisted: :twisted: s:twisted:    s:twisted: :twisted: s:twisted:

That's why all of us old farts get leather seats.


Were you spraying the water from above?  If you squirt straight at the windows they'll leak.  I hold my hose so there's a 45 degree-or-so angle (ooh err missis!!) from the hose down to the top of the window.  I get the occassional drip (guess it's an age thing) running down the inside of the window.  And that's using a Karcher jet washer!
Blue SMT with leather, A/C and TTE Twin.


I was poring full buckets of water over the roof to wash of the cleaner i had used...


Kris, do you have the BGB..? IIRC, it has info about how to adjust the sealant if it leaks. Just can't remember if it was for the softtop or the hardtop (or both)...
Sure you can live without 500hp, but it\'s languishing.




Big Green Book...it's a nickname for the factory repair manuals.
Sure you can live without 500hp, but it\'s languishing.


nope, but i think i know a man that has!   s:D :D s:D


never had any probelms with the roof leaking and i keep mine out in every weather snow etc   s:twisted: :twisted: s:twisted:  

But it dose depend on what angle the water is sprayed over the window i would always use a hose and spray downwards at around 45 degrees ish LOL

Oh it could be that you slam the roof down like when you meet me and craige, you seamed to unclip it and push back as hard as you could and it still didnt click down LOL me and craige when ooowwww, looked very agressive LOL well you where lost   s:wink: :wink: s:wink:

Darth Paul

I've had something similar on two different occasions – on both sides of the car – when it has been stood in the rain. It happened a couple of months ago on the driver's side and four weeks ago on the passenger side. No problems at all when washing it. But when the rain got in the entire seat base was saturated.  s:cry: :cry: s:cry:  Hair dryer and upholstery cleaner required.

I check the top very carefully now when I put it up. If it happens again then Toyota will be getting a visit...



DMAN, I forgot to knock on wood! Had a wet patch on my seat this morning  s:evil: :evil: s:evil:
Sure you can live without 500hp, but it\'s languishing.


Its not rained yet and i aint washed her this weekend so i dont know if it was a one off or not... but like Darth says, if it happens again Mr T will be getting a visit from me too! (ive been there so much recently that they know my reg no off the top of their head!   s:? :? s:?  )


Any tips on how getting the stain off the seat? Now it looks I've peed on it  s:lol: :lol: s:lol:

Will normal interior shampoo get rid of it..?
Sure you can live without 500hp, but it\'s languishing.
