Alternative to Rogue Motorsport in Shropshire/Cheshire/South Wales?

Started by Dudi, May 31, 2021, 20:53

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I'm looking for a Toyota/MR2 specialist without having to transport my car all the way to Rogue, probably a big ask considering how it's a fairly obscure market.

My car which is a 2GR converted car needs to have the gearbox removed and a new shift fork installed, probably some new synchros done at the same time. Someone familiar with these cars and the E153 gearbox (MK2 turbo) would be preferred.

I'm based in West Wales so a couple of hours drive is preferable rather than 4/5. If not it's back to Rogue.

Anyone have a recommendation?

Gaz mr-s

There is a guy in Liverpool who's known for 2zz conversions. I don't know his name, but could find out if no-one has any other suggestions.


Quote from: Gaz mr-s on May 31, 2021, 20:58There is a guy in Liverpool who's known for 2zz conversions. I don't know his name, but could find out if no-one has any other suggestions.

I can't remember his name either. He bought my old Celica for a 2zz conversion. He was local to me as well.


Sounds promising if someone can forward me contact details.

I've also emailed a chap called Chris Wilson who deals with Supras etc in Shropshire.


Don't use Rogue as they're pure rip-off merchants, you'll get it done at half the price from another local specialist. And it'll be done right too, I wouldn't trust Rogue with putting air in my tyre TBH.


With what you're describing - I would just go to a local gearbox specialist as opposed to a marque/car/engine specific specialist.

I'd definitely trust a gearbox specialist more with a gearbox than I would a marque specialist -  Unless it was a marque specific gearbox specialist - but you are getting into a very niche market then.

The roadster is an easy car to drop the gearbox from and don't think there is anything there particularly quirky or needing specialist knowledge.


Quote from: Dudi on June  1, 2021, 12:37Sounds promising if someone can forward me contact details.

Could be Robbie Egerton who did my 2zz swap. He's based in Kirby, north of Liverpool. It's been a long time since I contacted Robbie but his contact numbers at the time were:

business: 0151 548 5259
mobile: 07787 775076
Former owner 2003, 2zz conversion.


Quote from: cptspaulding on June  1, 2021, 13:25
Quote from: Dudi on June  1, 2021, 12:37Sounds promising if someone can forward me contact details.

Could be Robbie Egerton who did my 2zz swap. He's based in Kirby, north of Liverpool. It's been a long time since I contacted Robbie but his contact numbers at the time were:

business: 0151 548 5259
mobile: 07787 775076

Yup, thats the guy who bough my Celica 190.


Quote from: AJRFulton on June  1, 2021, 13:07With what you're describing - I would just go to a local gearbox specialist as opposed to a marque/car/engine specific specialist.

I'd definitely trust a gearbox specialist more with a gearbox than I would a marque specialist -  Unless it was a marque specific gearbox specialist - but you are getting into a very niche market then.

The roadster is an easy car to drop the gearbox from and don't think there is anything there particularly quirky or needing specialist knowledge.

In the late 60's I had a Hillman Imp that wouldn't engage reverse gear. My Father in Law worked at Roadless Traction a company that made four wheel drive tractors out of Ford tractors and the axle from ex military vehicles. The gear box specialist there stripped my gear box, made up some special tools and rebuilt it. He said it was like clock making in comparison to what he was used to. No problems after that though. He was a gear box specialist, never seen a Hillman Imp gearbox before.


Personally I agree that you need a gearbox specialist.

Not sure they need to know anything about V6 swaps the gearbox and shafts are pure MK2 turbo aren't they?

Rogue like every other MR2 specialist have a chequered record.
Apart from Steve but he is out of the game.

If the 2zz is reliable and competent then maybe use him but he might never have set eyes on an e153.
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

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