Headlight stripdown/conversion LHD to RHD or the other way

Started by greyspur, May 22, 2021, 00:18

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I recently took my FL "2" for an MOT – It failed.
Tester reckoned it had a LHD spec nearside headlight giving a cross eyed beam pattern - which it does have. The dipped beam is a projector and its aim cannot be adjusted independently of the main beam, as it is screwed into the reflector and everything moves as one.
I was annoyed as the light was replaced 4 yrs ago after a minor accident (oops!) on my insurance and had passed 3 MOTs like this.
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I managed to get hold of a very secondhand set of FL lights on ebay, but the NS lens was too poor to use and the housing quite battered, so I decided to try to make one usable light from the two. Looking at the back of the two reflectors it was clear that I did indeed have a LHD pattern headlight fitted.
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I separated the lenses and housings by heating them in the oven as described in this forum but couldn't find a way to separate the projector and reflector from the housing. Backing off the adjusters is good as it allows you to separate the 2 halves of the projector and take out the back part but there is also a ball joint pivot holding the projector to the housing that I couldn't slacken off as I didn't have a 10mm flat spanner small enough to fit.
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I improvised by drilling 2 small holes in the housing to allow me to get a screwdriver in and unscrew the 2 screws holding the ball joint pivot to the projector and then separate the projector from the reflector.
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Having done this for the two lights it was simply a case of swapping the RHD projector/reflector unit into the good housing from the LHD light and replacing its good lens and then back into the oven to reunite everything before bolting it back onto the car. The two projectors are clearly different.
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The beam pattern now looks much more as it should – MOT tomorrow will hopefully confirm. It did strike me from looking at the two projectors that one could fabricate a little blanking plate to block out the kerbside uptick and convert a UK spec headlight to one that would be ok to drive in mainland  Europe (if we ever get to go there again)
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Apologies - in the above post I have mistakenly made reference to "reflectors" in the second paragraph when I should have written "relectors"

Pictures of them as seen through the bulb aperture attached. LHD first You cannot view this attachment.You cannot view this attachment.

And a picture of the pivot once removed
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