Drain question for you (especially swansea roof owners)

Started by Topdownman, August 17, 2020, 18:45

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Cleaned the drains yesterday and noticed that on both sides I have a short velcro strap that doesnt appear to have anything to attach to and therefore just seems to block up most of the drain!

I am tempted to cut them off but would really like to know what they are there for before I do that.

Does anyone have the same (either on  a swansea one or standard)?

Do you have the strap but its attached to something?

A bit out of focus but you can see the strap on the right blocking the drain.

Any ideas?
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goes over one of the frames...i struggled to put them back ( both sides ) due to space constrains.


I am struggling to see which frame they are long enough to reach but tried to undo it today only for it to come away in my hand! Of course this now leaves a hole where the strap was sewn on so I guess I need to patch that somehow....

"Racing" tax disc holder (binned), Poundland air freshener, (ran out), Annoying cylinder deficiency,  (sorted),
Winner of the Numb bum award 2017
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