Parcel shelf

Started by Petrus, September 21, 2019, 13:10

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Looks like the assorted plastics covering the cross bar need to come out but better ask:

Anyone know how to get the parcel shelf out¿¿¿¿ O:-)  O:-)

I see the two nuts at the back but how is the front cloth flap secured?



Figured it out:

The flap it secured through four holes hooked over studs, held down by plastic finger ´nuts´.
To reach them you need lift up the plasic covers over the cross bar.
Peace of cake.

Less simple is unscrewing the nuts at the back, two for each hinge. You can see them but ... that´s it. You need small sockets, a flex extension and a smallish kid to do it for you. Unfortunately no such one in stock  :(
Best undo these fírst btw as the flap gets in the way if you undo that first. Yep, first hand experience  :-*


Still thwarted by the rear hinges  :-[  :-[

Broad shoulders and ditto hands do not help.

I can séé the hinges, just nót get to the nuts well enough.
It is infuriating and that´s best avoided.

Am I missing a trick here? or need I simply persevere?!


I thought the parcel shelf just pulled forward once you had taken off the poppers for the fabric underneath and the 2 top strings. The hinges are still attached to the firewall once the shelf is out?

I could be wrong though as mine went some time ago!
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Quote from: Topdownman on September 24, 2019, 15:16I thought the parcel shelf just pulled forward once you had taken off the poppers for the fabric underneath and the 2 top strings. The hinges are still attached to the firewall once the shelf is out?

That would certainly make sense.
Point is it is all plastic, so I am not one to start pulling lest I break something.


THÁNK you!

Put my thumb on the firewall and pulled with the fingers and out it popped. Would never even have tried this much pressure wothout the suggestion.

Oh, and there is a grommet on either side underneath, conneting a side flap from the soft top to it.

It weighs 1.6 kg.
