Headlight questions

Started by H1GRM, June 3, 2020, 15:34

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Hi, If you have a look at my Green Goddess thread you will see the need for these questions and your help please.

Due to the incident described I need a replacement nearside headlight. Mine were absolutely pristine and I also need a "how to" as I cannot find one on the site.

Being a facelift, I am fairly sure I need to start by removing the front bumper, but what steps follow?

The replacement needs to be pristine as well, anyone have one? I know Mr T still supplies them ££££ and can try the usual MR2 breakers. How much should I pay?

When I bought the GG, there were 2 minor faults, the first one I fixed straight away and the 2nd was a hole in the nearside fog/driving lamp, which I left. As the front needs dismantling I may as well do the fog at the same time. Next question is what to replace it with, standard or Halo or something else, views and options please.

I might even have the bumper and bonnet resprayed at the same time as both are showing numerous stone chips which really bug me and in my opinion spoil what is otherwise a really nice example of a TTE Turbo.

Looking forward to your advice, views and ideas.

Greg (still feeling Pi**ed off)
https://www.mr2roc.org/forum/index.php?topic=66294.0<br /><br />TTE Turbo 6R4 Forest Green - Y55 GRM <br />Jeep Wrangler - H1 GRM


"Racing" tax disc holder (binned), Poundland air freshener, (ran out), Annoying cylinder deficiency,  (sorted),
Winner of the Numb bum award 2017
Readers Ride

06 not V6 readers ride


YouTube headlight removal video here:

I did also look at the workshop manual but that only has a couple of lines as pointers, i.e. remove bumper, where the screws are blah...

You're probably looking at a new one if you want 'pristine'. At least the prices indicated in the thread @Topdownman has highlighted are a bit better than from Mr T.  Personally speaking, I would want to see anything from a breaker in the flesh before I bought it.  We're talking about lights that are going to be 15-20 years old - most owners won't have been as fastidious as those around here and we already know that the lights don't age well in the first place.
Black 2004 Roadster
Previous: Black 1994 Mk2 Turbo


@Topdownman @ManInDandism

Thanks for your input guys, much appreciated.

https://www.mr2roc.org/forum/index.php?topic=66294.0<br /><br />TTE Turbo 6R4 Forest Green - Y55 GRM <br />Jeep Wrangler - H1 GRM


Goddess all sorted and back together (see pic in Readers Rides, the Green Goddess).

Thanks for all the advice  :)
https://www.mr2roc.org/forum/index.php?topic=66294.0<br /><br />TTE Turbo 6R4 Forest Green - Y55 GRM <br />Jeep Wrangler - H1 GRM
