Aerial woes

Started by kwnelson, April 2, 2020, 21:01

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Bought the car from Proliator few months ago said he didn't like the aerial, looked like a Bumper Car, and "cut the wire".     I have since tried on this forum to reinstate the autoness of the aerial without any success, so decided to convert to manual operation, so set about stripping the o/s wheel arch liner to enable access to the motor. having gained access loosened the motor/aerial and pulled it away from the car, and removed the amature from the electric motor. the amature had a worm drive on the end which was to drive the aerial up/down.   once the armature was removed the up/down action could be done by hand.   Refixed all,   works great, but allow a day to do this, access is a pain.    Car now looks like a Bumper Car once again with music and song enabled.
Silver FL 2004 bog standard with TTE,.   H/T On    S/T Perfect
