Battery draining overnight

Started by Dan MR2, June 5, 2019, 17:25

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Dan MR2

I'm having an issue with a intermittent battery drain, and I was wondering if anyone has come across this before so I could find out what it could be?
Bit of background about the car, I've had it 3 years, it's a 52reg, no mods etc, it did this draining issue occasionally a year ago, but that was down to an old battery which I replaced.
It has been fine for 6 months or so, and it's starting to do it now with the new battery.
The only thing which I know could be contributing towards it is, it's use for two short journeys daily (2 miles each way) then parked up over the weekend, it's my wife's daily commuter.
It does about 1000 miles a year.
It can be fine when it's parked up, and fine for days, then randomly one morning nothing there, it will start straight away with a jump start.
The only extra electrical thing it has from standard is a dash cam permanently pulled in to the 12volt socket, but this shuts down with the ignition.
Any ideas or is it down to short joinerys continually?


I don't think it's getting enough use to replenish starting power.  Plus the ecu and immobiliser is always on - so it does drain.

A trickle charge on the weekend might help.

I run a 20W solar cell on the parcel shelf....
Perry Byrnes Memorial Award 2016, 2018.  Love this club.


Had the same recurring problem recently and would agree that the mileage your doing is insufficient.
It is annoying but having one of these handy has been a godsend and has helped me out several times.

RoyPow J12 Car Jump Starter Auto Battery Charger 12000mAh


Actually... It's probably best to take her out on the weekends and put some miles on her.

She never even gets warmed up.  VERY bad for the car!!  Condensation will build up in the engine.  Two miles a day is just not good for the poor little thing.
Perry Byrnes Memorial Award 2016, 2018.  Love this club.

Dan MR2

I agree it needs driving more, the issue is we have another car (Octavia vrs 2.0tfsi) that sits all week and only does low mileage at the weekend, so we always go out in that if we go anywhere.
I've got a works van that I use in the week.
I'll invest in a trickle charger I think, I've got it plugged into a normal 8amp battery charger now, but it means disconnecting the battery to charge it.


Its not totally unknown for a newish battery to give up the ghost. There's two things i would try -

1) Get an ammeter in line with the battery connection to the car and monitor any current drain - if its there it will be immediately obvious.
2) Get the battery checked by the retailer it should be under warranty.

There's a third - is your battery charging ok? Less likely as you should see an ignition light unless its been removed so check the voltage with the engine running. My 2 can sit there for almost 3 weeks between trips and with a new battery its never let up.

