E-Manage Blue Vs Ultimate

Started by Essex2Visuvesi, October 25, 2016, 14:28

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Quote from: "shnazzle"16TB? Will you host mr2roc for us?

lol my internet connection is rubbish
I'm a terrible hoarder and don't like to delete anything & add to that my son is into video editing and 3d modelling/animation its quite full already
When the disk gets full I just buy a bigger one   s:oops: :oops: s:oops:


Quote from: "Carolyn"Fair enough.  I lent one out, perhaps I can get it back...

If you want a Laptop with a com port thats fully XP compatible can I suggest a Dell D610, bit of a housebrick but a solid performer and readily available for not much money on evilbay
Bide your time and you'll pick one up for pennies like I did
